Deinanthe 'Biig Pink'

Deinanthe 'Biig Pink'


For many years we’ve been growing out seedlings from in search of a truly pink flowered Deinanthe. We haven’t yet bettered the plant that we began with, Dan Hinkley’s 2007 collection ‘Pink Kii’ (the same collection that also produced Crug Farm’s ‘Pink Shi’) , as all to date have been pink in bud but white in flower. This plant stands out for its sheer size, with flowers much larger than the usual (on the right in comparison pic) on stems to 34” The extra “i” in the cv name harkens back to ‘Pink Kii’, and one is free to pronounce similarly with a long “e”, but not obliged. Rich damp soil in cool shade. Z5, Quart pot

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